
vendemmia 2023

The harvest Tenuta Montemagno 2023

Article written in collaboration with Roberto Nantiat and Gianfranco Cordero, winemakers of Tenuta Montemagno

It was already understood since last 2022 that this would be a particular year for the cultivation and harvest of the 2023 grapes, remembered as a difficult year due to the extreme drought which compromised part of the vineyards, forcing some wineries to intervene on the plants and replant the cuttings in order to recover, in future years, what water scarcity has caused. But despite these warning signals, 2023 was able to surprise us again, for a strong variability of the climatic conditions that affected the cultivation starting from the winter and which continued until the summer.

Let’s summarize the situation with Roberto Nantiat the winemaker who, with Gianfranco Cordero, follows the works at Tenuta Montemagno, to understand the trend of 2023, with a focus on the harvest just terminated and on what the wines resulting from this harvest will be like.

Vendemmia 2023

“This is a particular vintage” Roberto says “but we could already understand it from how spring and summer were; from an extreme period of drought we moved to a semi-resolution during the months of June and early July, to return to another situation of stress due to the high temperatures reached from the beginning to mid-August”.

During this period, for about two weeks, the thermometer marked 40°/45° C with average night-time values always above 30° C. The effect on the plants was the blocking of photosynthesis and therefore the ripening of bunches. So on August 22nd, ahead of the traditional calendar, the Sauvignon harvest began.

“We decided to race against time to prevent these grapes, which are very sensitive to climatic conditions, from burning. Sauvignon, in fact, due to the strong heat can “burn” and produce oxidation which, in turn, could lead to a loss of those aromas that are very important for the varietal”.

The choice to carry out an early harvest was also dictated by the desire to maintain a good quality of the grapes, to the detriment of the volumes harvested.


“At the end of August we had three days of heavy rain”, Roberto continues. “This restored the water balance of the plants. The grapes have started to swell again, the ripening has resumed its course, and the vegetation has therefore also regained the natural colour of the period; from a green with a rather dull brightness it returned to a beautiful dark green, a signal indicating the resumption of photosynthesis”.

Vendemmia 2023

From that moment on, the harvest resumed, first with Barbera grapes for the vinification of TM Brut and then with Syrah, used for the Violae label (blend of Syrah and Barbera). Syrah vinification shows a particularly intense colour, an interesting structure and, therefore, a good concentration.

During the month of September the harvest continued with the Timorasso, which reached perfect ripeness thanks to the heavy rains at the end of August, used for Solis Vis, and Nymphae.

“Now (mid-September, ed.), we are harvesting the Barbera grapes, destined for the vinification of the Austerum reds and Mysterium, that are offering the same quality as always with greater softness and freshness. Soon we will continue with the Ruchè grapes for Nobilis, while the harvest for Invictus, the Ruché made with a late harvest, will occur two weeks later”.

Summing up the 2023 harvest of Tenuta Montemagno, we can therefore state that it is characterized by reduced volumes, good quality of the harvested bunches and excellent conditions for winemaking.

Tenuta Montemagno in tour a Praga con Barolo & Friends

17 January 2023, Prague: Tenuta Montemagno’s international tour begins

The consortium for the promotion of I Vini del Piemonte confirms the stage in Eastern Europe to promote Piedmontese excellence in new and important markets. On Tuesday 17 January 2023, the second Barolo & Friends Event will be held in Prague, at the Eurostars Thalia Hotel.

Tenuta Montemagno in tour a Praga con Barolo & Friends

The initiative will be aimed exclusively at trade operators: importers, distributors, sommeliers, Ho.Re.Ca and journalists. This is an important opportunity to consolidate the market positions of our wineries, as Italian wine ranks first among imported products, with demand in the last 5 years growing in value by almost 20%, reaching 215 million euros.

Tenuta Montemagno will be present at this event, bringing for tasting:

  • TM Brut 24 months – classic Piedmontese method obtained by vinifying Barbera grapes
  • Mysterium – excellent red from Barbera d’Asti Superiore grapes
  • Solis Vis – white from 100% Timorasso grapes
  • Invictus – red from late harvest Ruchè grapes
  • Nobilis – red from Ruchè grapes
Tenuta Montemagno brindisi

Tenuta Montemagno on tour with Simply Italian Great Wines

The Simply Italian Great Wines tour continues in Northern Europe (Norway and United Kingdom), organized by IEM – International Exhibition Management, intended to introduce the best Italian wines to a foreign audience of professionals in the wine sector.

Tenuta Montemagno participates in this traveling event with a selection of its wines, chosen to best represent the winery and the territory which they belong to.

TM Brut 24 months – classic Piedmontese method obtained by vinifying Barbera grapes

Violae – red blend made with Barbera and Syrah grapes

Nymphae – white blend obtained from Timorasso and Sauvignon grapes

Solis Vis – white from 100% Timorasso grapes

Invictus – red from late harvest Ruchè grapes

Mysterium – excellent red from Barbera d’Asti Superiore grapes



On 21 September we will be together with “I Vini del Piemonte”, at the Oslo Scene in Oslo, Norway.

This event follows the success of the previous edition, during which there was a demonstration of how the Norwegian public particularly appreciates Piedmontese wines.

Piedmont is in fact in second place among the Italian regions for the export of red wines to Norway, not only in terms of volumes, but also for value, so that it has won the title of one of the first wine regions in the world for bottled red wine exports.

Tenuta Montemagno will be present for the walk around wine tasting with a tasting table and a MasterClass dedicated to Mysterium 2017.


After Oslo, still as part of the Simply  Italian Great Wines event, we will be present on October 3, in London, England.

The venue for this event, now in its fifth edition, is the ONE GREAT GEORGE STREET, a classic location of great elegance, with a typically Anglo-Saxon style. Italian wines have long been appreciated by the English market; this event aims at renewing our attention to an audience of professionals, introducing the most recent or interesting novelties of local wine production.

Also in London we will propose the selection of labels on stage in Oslo, through the traditional walk around wine tasting formula and with the MasterClass Myterium 2017.

London-Sharpened2-e-edificio e Institution_of_Civil_Engineers,_One_Great_George_Street

This continues with these two stages the journey that brings the wines of our cellar around Europe and, soon to Asia. At the end of August we went to Tallinn and Helsinki; in September we will be in Oslo and London; in November we will be in Tokyo, in the Land of the Rising Sun. Important events to make our products known to someliers and importers who want to know, and propose the excellence of our country and our territory for their local audience.